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Spanish Eyes/Engelbert Humperdick

향기로운 재스민 2019. 9. 19. 14:57

Spanish Eyes

Engelbert Humperdinck

Blue Spanish eyes

Teardrops are falling from your Spanish eyes

Please, please don't cry

This is just adios and not goodbye

Soon I'll return

Bringing you all the love your heart can hold

Please say si si

Say you and your Spanish eyes will wait for me

Blue Spanish eyes

Prettiest eyes in all of Mexico

True Spanish eyes

Please smile for me once more before I go

Soon I will return

Bringing you all the love your heart can hold

Please say si si

Say you and your Spanish eyes will wait for me

Say you and your Spanish eyes will wait for me

one more time  (once more)

Sissy   (여자처럼 구는 남자)

Si   (Yes)

Would it be possible to move it? 

Stem: 초목의

'Yankee'   stems from the Dutch word 'Jan Kees'.

species  종, (공통의 특성을 지닌) 종류

thick:  두꺼운, 빽빽한, 진한, 자욱한

thin:  얇은 가느다란, 묽은

The air in the room is thick with smoke. 

*weed  대마초

2019. 09.19

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