장미 꽃

[스크랩] Did you make a lot of money? (4)

향기로운 재스민 2012. 8. 9. 05:46

첨부파일 Did you make a lot of money (4).wav

너무나 억울하여 해고이유를 물었더니 즐겁게
일하지 아니하고 이를 악물고 일을 해서 해고를
시켰다는 것입니다.

- 권 소 현(전문 타이피스트) -

한해를 보내면서 한번쯤은 빛이 나는 곳에
적은 돈이라도 사용해 보십시오.

길을 가다가 붕어빵 3000원어치를 사서
노숙자에게 주는 것도 돈을 가치 있게
쓰는 것이겠지요?

- 돈의 가치는 자신이 만듭니다 -

He felt it was unfair
and asked why he was fired. The answer given
was that he did not work happily but worked with
clenched teeth and that was the reason he was

As you see the year go by, try using your money
for worthy cause before the end of the year even
if it's just little amount of money.

Wouldn't it be worthy and valuable spending to
buy a 3000 won worth of pastry (fish-shaped with
filling) and bring it to the homeless person

- The value of money is created by what you do. -

출처 : 당신이 머문자리는 아름답습니다
글쓴이 : 유하 원글보기
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