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Swanee River (Old Folks At Home) State Song Of Florida Stephen Foster, 1851

향기로운 재스민 2016. 9. 22. 17:15



 Swanee River Melody : Stephen Collins Foster


Swanee River (Old Folks At Home)

Stephen Foster, 1851

Way down upon the Swanee River, Far, far away

That's where my heart is turning ever

That's where the old folks stay

All up and down the whole creation, Sadly I roam

Still longing for the old plantation

And for the old folks, at home

All the world is dark and dreary everywhere I roam

Oh brother, how my heart grows weary

Far from the old folks at home

When will I see the bees a humming,  All 'round the comb

When will I hear the banjo strumming,

Down in my good old home

All the world is dark and dreary everywhere I roam

Oh brother, how my heart grows weary

Far from the old folks at home

dreary  암울하다

longing for  그리워하다

plantation  농장 (식물)

way better  훨씬 좋은 

comb (honey comb) 벌집

YOLO  (You only Live once) 한번 뿐인 인생

soar  치솟다

skyrocket  급상승하다

slim chance  희박한 가능성

fat chance  희박한 가능성

dream on  꿈깨

cover ~  을 다루다

consist of ~ 으로 이루어 지다

목요일 공부에서....

2016. 09. 22