마음의 평화

I Do Adore Her/Harry Belafonte

향기로운 재스민 2017. 3. 23. 13:26

I Do Adore Her

Harry Belafonte

When shadows fall and stars Appear

This pain I feel I cannot bear

If I could relieve that faithful day

I would not turn my love away

*I reveal how I do adore her

Hang my heart on my sleeve just for her

All my love through out life assure her

If this moment I could Amour her

When I think of her tender lips

Gentle touch of her finger tips

Reminisce on her eyes so fair

Moonlight soft on her downy hair

I reveal how I do adore her

Hang my heart on my sleeve just for her

All my love through out life assure her

If this moment I could Amour her

Now I'm standing alone and sad

Thinkin' upon the joys I've had

Time makes fools of men they say

Take me back to that distant day

I reveal how I do adore her

Hang my heart on my sleeve just for her

All my love through out life assure her

If this moment I could Amour her

Amour  육적인 사랑

Adore   사모하다

turn away  거절하다

Hang my heart on my sleeve   나의 마음을 솔직히 드러내다

Reminisce  추억에 잠기다

eyes so fair  적절하게 큰 눈

She's so uptight   경직되다   

Every minute counts now.   일분 일초도중요하다

She has a terrible migraine   심한 편두통이 있다

Let's meet halfway.   반씩 양보하자

dilly-dally    꾸물거리다   횡설수설

superhero character  

elementary school    grade school   초등학교

Such a lonely heart  불쌍한 사람   

I'll take both  둘다 사겠다

restroom  화장실

toilet(변기)  lavatory(시설이 들어있다)

todays from   ...

2017. 03. 23

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