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A Summer Place(1962)e/Andy Williams

향기로운 재스민 2017. 8. 10. 15:24


A Summer Place/

There's a summer place

Where it may rain or storm

Yet I'm safe and warm

For within that summer place

Your arms reach out to me

And my heart is free from all care

For it knows

There are no gloomy skies

When seen through the eyes

Of those who are blessed with love

And the sweet secret of

A summer place

Is that it's anywhere

When two people share

All their hopes

All their dreams

All their love

And the sweet secret of

A summer place

Is that it's anywhere

When two people share

All their hopes

All their dreams

All their love

And the sweet secret of

A summer place

Is that it's anywhere

When two people share

All their hopes

All their dreams

All their love

*care   관심을 갖다

ring up  계산하다

site  현장  장소

place an order  주문을 하다

take someone's place  대체하다

Don't hang up!  끊지마

shop lifter  도둑

They're getting a divorce  이혼중이야

cheat  속이다

awesome   멋진

divorcee  이혼녀

I'm a divorcee  난 이혼녀가 되었어요

They're going to lay off several people this month. 

lay off  감원하다

ought to  당연히 해야할것을 해야 한다

awful   끔직한   무서운  이상한

목요일 공부에서...

2017. 08. 10