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Falling (Oct. 1977) Le Blanc & Carr

향기로운 재스민 2018. 7. 5. 14:57

Falling (Oct. 1977)

Le Blanc & Carr

I think about winter when I was with her

And the snow was falling down

Warmed by the fire, I love being by her

When there's no one else around

And I'm falling, oh, I'm falling

I'm falling in love with you

I think about summer my head was swimming

You wrote my name in the sand

We walked together, hoping forever

Please don't let go of my hand

Cause I'm falling, oh, I'm falling

Oh, I'm falling in love with you


The fall and the springtime were like in-between times

You're here, and then you're gone away

Oh, I just wanted to say

Won't you please, please stay

Cause I'm falling oh, I'm falling

I'm falling in love with you

Oh, I'm falling, yeah, I'm falling

Oh, I'm falling in love with you

In love with you....

let go my hand   손을 놓아라

sulk  부루퉁하다

occasionally  간혹

now and then  가끔

from time to time  때때로

the odd  이따금

off and on  불규칙적인

on and off  오락가락 , 때때로

shortly  곧

before long  오래지 않아

in a second   순식간에

in no time  즉시

any minute now  지금 당장에라도

The sooner, the better  빠를수록 좋다

fabulous  = nice

 They range from $600 to $3000   range   범위

slip out  깜빡 했어

We are even.  피장파장

I am a tone deaf    음치이다

목요일 공부에서......

2018. 07. 05