마음의 평화

The Wings That Fly Us Home/John Denver (Aug. 1976)

향기로운 재스민 2018. 9. 6. 16:34

The Wings That Fly Us Home(Aug. 1976)

John Denver

There are many ways of being in this circle we call life

A wise man seeks an answer, burns his candle through the


Is a jewel just a pebble that found a way to shine

Is a hero's blood more righteous than a hobo's sip of wine

Did I speak to you one morning on some distant world away

Did you save me from an arrow, did you lay me in a grave

Were we brothers on a journey, did you teach me how to run

Were we broken by the waters; did I lie you in the sun

I dreamed you were a prophet in a meadow

I dreamed I was a mountain in the wind

I dreamed you knelt and touched me with a flower

I awoke with this: a flower in my hand

I know that love is seeing all the infinite in one

In the brotherhood of creatures; who the father, who the son

The vision of your goodness will sustain me through the cold

Take my hand now to remember when you find yourself alone

And the spirit fills the darkness of the heavens

It fills the endless yearning of the soul

It lives within a star too far to dream of

It lives within each part and is the whole

It's the fire and the wings that fly us home

Fly us home, fly us home

meadow  초지

a hobo's sip of wine  이주 노동자의 와인 한 모금

waters  강물

prophet  예언자  선지자

kneel  knelt   무릎을 꿇다

infinite  무한함

gem stone  보석  jewel

firm  단단,   회사

tough  질긴

harsh  가혹한  엄격한

rigid  완고한

stern  엄격한

You are going too far  심하다

disarming  적개심을 없애는   애교있는   마음을 부드럽게하는

muscular  근육이 발달한

intense  열정적인 

extrme  극한의

energetic   정력적인   에너지가 넘치는

stamina  체력

I 'm only a human  사람이야

high pitch  목소리가 높다

Give me a break  농담하지 마

Don't give me that  그만둬

be +used to + 동명사   익숙하다

used to + 동사  하곤 했다  (지금 안한다)

used  동사  사용되어지다

I must say you were right  (네가 맞았다는 걸 인정하겠다.)

Let say tomorrow  (예를 들면 내일)

I say you are wrong  (내 생각으로는 네가 틀렸다.)

Don't give him a hard time.  그를 힘들게 하지 마라. 

목요일 공부에서...

2018. 09. 06.