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I Do Adore Her1956 RCA Victor LP)/Harry Belafonte

향기로운 재스민 2019. 7. 18. 13:37

I Do Adore Her/Harry Belafonte

When shadows fall and stars appear

This pain I feel I cannot bear

If I could relive that faithful day

I would not turn my love away

*(Twice) I reveal how I do adore her

Hang my heart on my sleeve just for her

All my love through out life assure her

If this moment I could Amour her

When I think of her tender lips

Gentle touch of her finger tips

Reminisce on her eyes so fair

Moonlight soft on her downy hair

Repeat * twice

If some day I should see her smile

Hold her hand and me heart beguile

Feel her warmth in her earnest prayer

Darling shield me from all despair

Repeat * twice

Now I'm standing alone and sad

Thinkin' upon the joys I've had

Time makes fools of men they say

Take me back to that distant day

Repeat * twice 

assure  보증하다

shield  막다

downy   부드러운

despair  절망

distant day  지난 날

angle  각도, 관점

He looked at the problem only from own angle

appeal  간청, 탄원, 매력 황소, 상소

    appealing: 매력적인

His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered.

The miniskirt has not lost its appeal.

The right of appeal is an important part of good law.

blanket: 담요 모포

The valley was covered with a blanket for snow.

repellent  기피하다

definitely  확실히

beguiled  오게 만든다,  매력적으로 이끄다

He was beguiled by her beauty.

목요일 공부에서....

2019. 07. 18