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Autumn Leaves (1945) /Eric Clapton

향기로운 재스민 2019. 11. 21. 13:20

Autumn Leaves (1945)

(2010) Eric Clapton

The falling leaves drift by my window

The autumn leaves of red and gold

I see your lips, the summer kisses

The sun-burned hands I used to hold

Since you went away the days grow long

And soon I'll hear old winter's song

But I miss you most of all  my darling

When autumn leaves start to fall

Since you went away the days grow long

And soon I'll hear old winter's song

But I miss you most of all, my darling

When autumn leaves start to fall

Yes, I miss you most of all my darling

When autumn leaves start to fall

drift  떠다닌다

most of all   가장

Platform  승강장

passengers  승객들

depart  출발하다

make your way  가다

upon arrival  도착하면

suburban  교외

mind the gap  사이를 조심하다

terminates  종점

desert  사막,  버리다, 불모의       desert  후식

He deserted his wife and children after losing his job.

They were wrecked on a desert island.  

그들은 버려진 섬에서 난파되었다.

estimate  어림잡다, 추정하다     견적, 평가, 추정

overestimate:  과대평가하다

underestimate : 과소평가하다

 rear carriage   뒤 열차

So far so good   지금까지는 괜찮아요.

customs  세관   

목요일 공부에서.....

2019. 11. 21    
