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A Love Until The End Of Time

향기로운 재스민 2020. 1. 2. 13:29

<iframe width="1" height="1" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cg06OJ7RSJk?autoplay=1&playlist=cg06OJ7RSJk&loop=1&autohide=1&showinfo=0&fs=0&rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

A Love Until The End Of Time

Placido Domingo & Maureen McGovern

I love you with a heart that knows no one but you

A love I never thought I'd find

A love that comes just once and never comes again

A love until the end of time

I'd give you all the love I have in me to give

If I could only make you mine

I love you with a love I've never known before

A love until the end of time

I can't believe that you're not unreal

You're everything I wanted you to be

I always knew someday that I would find

A love like ours until the end of time

I love you with a heart that knows no other love

A love I can't believe it's mine

Now that I've find you I will never let you go

From now until the end of time

I can't believe that you were not unreal

You're everything I wanted you to be

I always knew someday that I would find

A love until the end of time

obtain  : 얻다, 획득하다

We have obtained reliable information

(참고)  come by, get

outcome  성과, 결과

He was doubtful of the outcome.

(참고)  output :  생산, 생산량

input  투입; 입력

perplex 당황하게 하다, 혼란시키다

His strange silence perplexes me.

(참고)  perplexed:  당황한,  어찌할 바를 모르는

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2020. 01. 02

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