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When I Dream (June 2, 1978) (1993) Carol Kidd

향기로운 재스민 2020. 1. 30. 14:14

When I Dream

Carol Kidd

I could build a mansion that is higher than the trees

I could have all the gifts I want and never ask please

I could fly to Paris, it's at my beck and call

Why do I live my life alone with nothinmg at all?

But when I dream, I dream of you

Maybe someday you will come true

When I dream, I dream of you

Maybe someday you will come true

I can be the singer or the clown in any room

I can call up someone to take me to the moon

I can put my makeup on and drive the men insane

I can go to bed alone and never know his name

But when I dream, I dream of you

Maybe someday you will come true

When I dream, I dream of you

Maybe someday you will come true

I was insame  제 정신이 아니었다

beck and call  내 지시에 따라서

come true  현실이 되다

weigh:  무게가 나가다, 무게를 달다

She weighed the meat in the scales .

overweight:  비만의   weight:  무게, 역기

give off:  발하다, 방출하다

Boiling water gives off steam.(참고)  emit

come up with:  ~을 따라 잡다, 제안하다, 안출하다

He couldn't come up with an answer when I asked him why he 

was late. 

dragging the sled   썰매를 끄는

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2020. 01. 30