A little bit of me and a whole lot of you
Add a dash of starlight and a dozen roses, too
Then let it rise for a hundred years or two
And that's the recipe for making love
It doesn't need sugar 'cause it's already sweet
It doesn't need an oven 'cause it's got a lot of heat
Just add a dash of kisses to make it all complete
And that's the recipe for making love
And if you've made it right you'll know it
It's not like anything you've made before
And if you've made it wrong you'll know it
'Cause it won't keep you coming back for more
I didn't get it from my grandma's book upon the shelf
I didn't get it from a magical and culinary elf
No, a little birdie told me you can't make it by yourself
And that's the recipe for making love
It's not like anything you've made before
'Cause it won't keep you coming back for more
I didn't get it from my grandma's book upon the shelf
I didn't get it from a magical and culinary elf
No, a little birdie told me you can't make it by yourself
And that's the recipe for making love
culinary elf 요리 요정
line up 줄서다
get in the line 줄서라 (끼어들지 말고)
목요일 공부에서....
2021. 09. 02
'행복을 안겨주는 음약' 카테고리의 다른 글
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