행복을 안겨주는 음약

The Day I Met Marie/Cliff Richard

향기로운 재스민 2024. 5. 23. 13:24


Imagine a still summer's day

When nothing is moving

Least of all me

I lay on my back hay, 

The warm sun was soothing.

It made me feel good.


The day I met Marie.

The sound of her whisper "hello"

Came tiptoeing softly  into my head.

I opened my eyes kinda slow,

And there she was smiling.

It made me feel good


The day I met Marie.

With laughing eyes,

She'd toss her gair and tantalize.

She came to touch me then she's gone.

Juse like a summer breeze


I remember her kiss,

So soft on my brow,

And the way that she said

"Baby go to sleep now,

Baby go to sleep now."


I woke with the chill in the air,

The warm sun no longer hung in the sky,

I reached out but she was not there.

She'd gone where she came from,

But I still feel good,


To think I've known Marie.

With laughing eyes,

She'd toss her hair and tantalize.

She came to touch me then she's gone,

Just like a summer breeze.


brow  이마

tiptoeing   살금살금

tantalize  감질나게 하다

Least of all me   특히 나는 아닌것...

That's about it   그 정도인 것...

지슬   (감자)


2024. 05. 23





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