행복을 안겨주는 음약

Summer Nights (Grease O.S. T.)

향기로운 재스민 2024. 8. 22. 13:01

Summer loving had me a blast

Summer loving happened so fast

I met a girl crazy for me

Met a boy cute as can be

Summer days drifting away to the summer nights


Tell me more, tell me more. Did you get very far?

Tell me more, tell me more.  Like does he have a car?


She swam by me she got a cramp

He swam by me got my suit damp

I saved her life she nearly drown

He showed off splashing around

Summer sun something's begun but the summer nights


Tell me more, tell me more.  Was it love at first sight?

Tell me more, tell me more.  Did she put up a fight?


Took her bowling in the arcade

We went strolling drank lemonade

We made out under the dock

We stayed out till ten o'clodk

Summer fling dono't mean a thing but the summer  nights


Tell me more, tell me more.  But you don't gotta brag

Tell me more, tell me more.  Cause he sounds like a drag


He got friendly holding my hand

She got friendly down in the sand

He was sweet just turned eighteen

Well she was good you know what I mean

Summer heat boy and girl meet but the summer nights


Tell me more, tell me more.  How much dough did he spend?

Tell me more, tell ,me more.  Could she get me a friend?


It turned colder that's where it ends

So I told her we'd still be friends

Then we made out true love vow

Wonder what she's doing now


Summer dreams ripped at the steams but those summer nights

Tell me more, tell me more


ripped at the steams    솔기를 찢다

brag  포카게임   , 자랑하다

drag  짜증나게하다

cramp    쥐가 났다

damp   젖다

dock  배 대는데

strolling   돌아다니다

drifting away   흘러가다

even  심지어

pesticides  살충제

fertilizers    비료


2024. 08. 22  목요일 공부에서....



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