장미 꽃

[스크랩] My wife, who would stroke a bowl of boiled rice (3)

향기로운 재스민 2012. 1. 28. 05:05

첨부파일 My wife, who would stroke a bowl of boiled rice (3).wav

 그 행동은 한 번도 거르지 않고
식사 때마다 계속되었습니다.
어느 날 아내가 아파서 몇 년 만에 설거지를
하겠다고 팔을 걷어붙였습니다.


그런데 밥그릇 하나가 이가 빠져서
거칠거칠한 게 만져지더군요.
아주 조금 깨져서 눈에는 보이지 않지만
손으로 만지면 까칠한 감촉이 느껴지는 그 그릇!

 My wife repeated this action
at mealtime every day.
One day, after several years of marriage,
I rolled my sleeves up to wash dishes
as my wife was sick.


I touched a rough section of the rice bowl
and found that it was chipped.
The bowl is felt rough by hand,
though it is difficult to discern
that it is broken because the chip is very small!


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