마음의 평화

Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)/Sue Thompson

향기로운 재스민 2015. 4. 2. 16:16





Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)

Sue Thompson (1962)



Sad movies always make me cry


He said he had to work so I went to the show alone

They turned down the lights and turned the projector on

And just as the news of the world started to begin

I saw my darlin' and my best friend walk in


Though I was sittin there,they didn't see

And so they sat right down in front of me

When he kissed her lips, I almost died

And in the middle of the color cartoon I started to cry


Oh _ oh _ oh sad movies always make me cry

Oh _ oh _ oh sad movies always make me cry


And so I got up and slowly walked on home

And mama saw the tears and said.  "what's wrong?"

And so to keep from telling her a lie

I just said sad movies make my cry


Oh_oh_oh sad movies always make me cry

Oh_oh_oh sad movies always make me cry


Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Sad movies make me cry



*autobiography  자서전

biography  위인전

plot  구성

monotonous  지겨운

dull  둔한 지루한

tedious 따분한

prestigious prfessors   명성있는 교수

tease  놀리다

annoy  화나게하다

took me for gianted 당연한걸로 여긴다

enthusiastic  열정적

disuse 폐기

plunged  뛰어들다

navigable  향해할수있는  

impatient  참을성이 없는

optimistic  낙천적인


목요일 공부에서

2015. 04. 02