Woman In Love/Barbra Streisand (Aug. 16. 1980)
Life is a moment in space
When the dream is gone, it's a lonelier place
I kiss the morning good_bye, but down inside you know
We never know why
The road is narrow and long
When eyes meet eyes, and the feeling is strong
I turn away from the wall, I stumble and fall, but I give you it all
*I am a woman in love
And I'd do anything to get you into my world
And hold you within. It's a right I defent. Over and over again
What do I do?
With you eternally mine
In love, there is no measure of time
They planned it all at the start
That you and I live in each others heart
We may be oceans away. You feel my love
I hear what you say. No truth is ever a lie
I stumble and fall, but I give you it all
Repeat *
I am a woman in love, and I'm talkin' to you
You know how you feel what a woman can do
It's a right I defend. Over and over again
Repeat *
eating disorder 섭식장애
anorexia 거식증
bulimia nervosa 폭식증
used to V 하곤했다
get (be) used to ng 익숙하다
be used to V 사용되어지다
diverse 다양한
distinct 전혀 다른
Could you break this bill into quarters?
이 지폐 좀 25센트짜리 동전으로 바꿔주실 수 있나요?
Hey, don't cut in line! 저기요, 새치기 하지 마세요
목요일 공부에서...
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