I Don't Like To Sleep Alone
Paul Anka (1975)
I don't like to sleep alone
Stay with me
Don't go
Talk with me for just a while
So much of you to get to know
Reaching out touching you
Leaving all the worries behind
Loving you the way I do
My mouth on yours and yours on mine
Marry me
Let me live with you
Nothing's wrong and love is right
Like a man says in his song
Help me make it through the night
Loneliness can get you down
When you get to thinking no one cares
Lean on me
And I'll lean on you
Together we will see it through
No, I don't like to sleep alone
It's sad to think some folks do
No I don't like to sleep alone
No one does Do you?
I don't like to sleep alone
No one does Do you?
*carbonated drink 소다
internist 내과전문의
pediatrician 소아과전문의
veterinarian 수의사
physician 내과의사
psychiatrist 정신과의사
dubious 의혹 망설임을 나타네는
suspicious 의심
skeptical 의심된
nightmare 악몽
daydream 멍때리는 것
pinch 꼬집다
목요일 공부에서.....
2015. 10. 01 향기로운 재스미
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