마음의 평화

Silver Threads Among The Gold (1873) Louise Morrissey

향기로운 재스민 2016. 3. 10. 14:17

Silver Threads Among The Gold

Darling, I am growing old,

Silver threads among the gold

Shine upon my brow today

Life is fading fast away.

But, my darling, you will be, will be

Always young and fair to me

Yes, my darling you will be

Always young and fair to me.

When your hair is silver white

And your cheeks no longer bright

With the roses of the May

I will kiss your lips and say.

Oh! my darlng, mine alone, alone

You have never older grown

Yes, my darling mine alone

You have never older grown

Love can never more grow old

Locks may lose their brown and gold

Cheeks may fade and hollow grow

But the hearts that love will know.

That, my darling, you will be, will be

Always young and fair to me

Yes, my darling, you wll be

Always young and fair to me.

brow 앞이마

locks 머리채

cheeks  뺨

fade away   사라진다

hollow  야윈

I have not less than ten dollars

내가 갖고 있는 돈은 적어도 10 달러이다

not less than  ...at least

no less than...as much as

I have no less than  a hundred dollars.

나는 100 달러나 가지고 있다

I have no more than ten dollars 

나는 10 달러밖에 없다.

ho more than....only

I have not more than ten dollars.

내가 갖고 있는 것은 많아야 10 달러이다

be used to  V   ~ 하는데 사용되어지다

used to V   하곤 했다

be used to ~ing  ~ 하는데 익숙해지다

*hilarious  웃긴다

lack focus  집중이 안된다

fold up 실패하다

trail  미행하다

chase  추적하다

목요일 공부에서...

2016. 03. 10

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