마음의 평화

Wednesday Morning, 3 A. M../ Simon & Garfunkel

향기로운 재스민 2017. 5. 18. 13:17

Wednesday Morning, 3 A. M.

Simon & Garfunkel

I can hear the soft breathing of the girl that I love,

As she lies here beside me asleep with the night

And her hair, in a fine mist, floats on my pillow

Reflecting the glow of the winter moonlight

She is soft, she is warm, but my heart remains heavy

And I watch as her breasts gently rise, gently fall

For I know with the first light of dawn I'll be leaving

And tonight will be all I have left to recall

Oh, what have I done.  Why have I done it?

I've committed a crime.  I've broken the law

For twenty_five dollars and pieces of silver

I held up and robbed a hard liquor store.

My life seems unreal.  My crime an illusion,

A scene badly written in  which I must play.

Yet I know as I gaze at my young love beside me,

The morning is just a few hours away.

illusion  환상

a few clicks away  몇번만 클릭하면 된다

chest  가슴 (남자)

reflecting  반사시카다

I've committed a crime  범죄를 저질렀다

pick your nose 코를 후비다

blow your nose  코를 풀다

on the nose  그만해

nose job  코의 며용성형

Stop kidding around!  쓸데없는 소리하지마

become aware of 눈치를 채다

can see/ spot  알아 맞히다

conspicuous  /eye _catching   눈길을 끄는

noticeable  눈에 띄는

stand out  두드러지다

obvious  명백한

remarkable  주목할만한

You can't miss it.  틀림없이 찾을 수 있어

bloody  good  아주 좋은


anxiety  두려움

overcome  극복하다

scented candles  향초

hot 인기있게

lower  낮추다,  더 낮게

That will do  그거면 되죠

smell good  냄새 좋다

taste  맛있다

gaze  바라보다

breasts  젖가슴

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