Andante, Andante
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
Take it easy with me, please
Touch me gently like a summer evening breeze
Take your time, make it slow
Andante, Andante, just let the feeling grow
Make your fingers soft and light
Let your body be the velvet of the night
Touch my soul, you know how
Andante, Andante, Go slowly with me now
*I'm your music
(I am your music and I am your song)
I'm your song
(I am your music and I am your song)
Play me time and time again and make me strong
(Play me again 'cause you're making me strong)
Make me sing, make and sound
(You make me sing and you make me)
Andante, Andante
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, Andante
Oh please don't let me down
There's a shimmer in your eyes
Like the feeling of a thousand butterflies
Please don't talk, go on, play
Andante, Andante, And watch me float away
Andante, Andante
Oh please don't let me down
Tread 걷다
shimmer 어른 어른 거리다
victim 희생자
hardship 고난
go through 겪다
sarcastic 빈정거리다
endure 견디어 내다
all of a sudden 갑자기
out of the blue 갑자기
on the spur of the moment 경고 없이
abrupt 갑작스러운
do well 잘 한다
manage 잘 해내다
go well 잘 추진되다
pull off 성공하다
make hit 성공하다
a big smash 대박
Well done 잘 했어
surge 급등하다
power is out 전기가 나가다
power is back 다시 들어오다
starch 녹말
Cut it out 그만 둬!
Don't cut me out! 나도 끼워 줘!
Electricity is cut off 전기가 끊겼다
You should cut down on sugar. 설탕을 줄여야 한다
He is cut out to be a lawyer.
He is born to be a lawyer 그는 타고난 변호사다
decades 수십년
Sweetie Honey
surge problem 문제가 증가하다
cougar pumar panther mountain lion 사자
So true 정말 맞어
목요일 공부에서....
2018. 09. 20
'행복을 안겨주는 음약' 카테고리의 다른 글
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