마음의 평화

Tell Him(Barbra Streisand & Celine Dion)

향기로운 재스민 2018. 11. 22. 14:29

Tell Him(Nov. 3, 1997)

Barbra Streisand & Celine Dion)

I'm scared.  So afraid to show I care

Will he think me weak, if I tremble when I speak

What if, there's another one he's thinking of

Maybe he's in love.  I'd feel like a fool

Life can be so cruel.  I don't know what to do 

I've been there with my heart out in my hand

But what you must understand

You can't let the chance to love him pass you by

*Tell him.  Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes

Reach out to him and whisper tender words so soft and sweet

Hold him close to feel his heart beat

Love will be the gift you give yourself

Touch him with the gentleness you feel inside (I feel it)

Your love can't be denied.  The truth will set you free

You'll have what's meant to be.  All in time you'll see

I love him (Then show him)

Of that much I can be sure (Hold him close to you)

I don't  think I could endure if I let him walk away

When I have so much to say


Love is light that  surely glows in  the hearts of those who know

It's a steady flame that  grows.

Feed the fire with all the passion you can show

Tonight love will  assume its place

This memory time cannot erase

Your faith will lead love where it has to go


Never let him go

walk away  떠나게 내버려두다

tea and sympathy  차 한잔과 위로

cup of tea  마음에 쏙 드는

Be logical  논리적으로 되라  정신차려

teacher's pet  선생님이 귀여워하는 학생

Stop criticizing  비평하지 마라

dumbest person  가장 멍청한 사람

 I very much appreciate your hospitality and friendship.

당신의 호의와 우정에 정말 깊은 감사를 드립니다 

Buckle up.  안전벨트 매세요

Hit  the peddal    밟아

목요일 공부에서.....

2018. 11. 22