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Perhaps Love(1981)Placido Domingo and John Denver

향기로운 재스민 2019. 3. 23. 07:24

Perhaps Love(1981)

Placido Domingo and John Denver

Perhaps love is like a resting place, a shelter from the storm

It exsists to give you comfort, it is there to keep you warm

And in those times of troubel when you are most alone

The memory of love will bring you home

Perhaps love is like a window, perhaps an open door

It invites you to come closer, it wants to show you more

And even if you lose yourself and don't know what to do

The memory of love will see you through

Oh, love to some is like a cloud, to some as strong as steel

For some a way of living, for some a way to feel

And some say love is holding on and some say letting go

And some say love is everything and some say they don't know

Perhaps love is like the ocean, full of conflict, full of pain

Like a fire when it's cold outside or thunder when it rains

If I should live forever and all my dreams come true, my

memories of love will be of you

And some say love is holding on and some say letting go

And some say love is everything and some say they don't know

Perhaps love is like the ocean, full of conflict, full of pain

Like a fire when it's cold outside or thunder when it rains

If I should live forever and all my dreams come true, my

memories of love will be of you

tourist trap  관광객을 상대로 바가지 씌우는 곳

tourist attraction  관광객을 끄는 것

outskirts  변두리

track down 추적, 추격

on the right track  제대로 된 괴도

keep track of  흔적을 찾아간다

You can't always go by looks. 사람은 겉보기로는 알 수 없어요.

I'll have you know!  알아두세요.

The man next door gave me a piece of his mind. 

옆집에 사는 사람이 충고를 해 주더군요.

Don't pass the buck to me.  책임을 나에게 전가하지 마세요.

Don't rely on him too much.  그 사람을 너무 믿지 마세요.

Try not to go to extremes over hobbies.

 취미에 너무 몰두하지 마세요.

Stand on your own bottom.  자수성가 하셔야죠.

Action speaks louder than words.  말보다는 행동이 중요해요.

Go easy on him.  He's still a child. 

그에게 너무 까다롭게 하지 마세요.  아직 어린애에요.

 You're walking on thin ice.  당신은 지금 위험한 길을 가고 있어요.

We'll succeed if we play cards right.

계획을 잘 실행하면 성공할 겁니다.

donating to charity  자선단체애 기부하는 것

your behalf  너를 대신하여

목요일 공부에서.

2019. 03. 21