행복을 안겨주는 음약

People Need Love (June 1, 1972) /ABBA

향기로운 재스민 2019. 4. 4. 14:57

People Need Love (June 1, 1972)


*People need hope, people need lovin'

People need trust from a fellow man

People need love to make a good livin'

People need faith in a helping hand

Man has always wanted a woman by his side

To keep him company

Women always knew that it takes a man to get

Matrimony and harmony

Everybody knows that a man who's feeling down

Wants some female sympathy

Gotta have love to carry on living

Gotta have love 'til eternity


La la la la, la la la la la (4 times)

Flowers in a desert need a drop of rain

Like a woman needs her man

If a man's in love and his woman wants the moon

Then he'll take it down if he can

Somebody who loves you and somebody who cares

Isn't that what you call a friend

Gotta have love to carry on living

Isn't it easy to understand


La la la la, la la la la la (4 Times)


La la la la, la la la la la...

carry on   continue

catastrophe  대참사

disaster  재앙

tragic  비극적인

incident  사건  

accident  사고

receive training  훈련을 받다

training camp  훈련 캠프

boot camp  신병 훈련소

You have hundred lines.  왜 한눈팔고 있어!

Don't raise your voice, please.   제발 언성을 높이지 마십시요.

화내지 말라

I don't mean to be nosy, but you've been too stupid.

참견하고 싶지는 않지만, 너는 너무 우둔하단 말이야.

Sometimes you have to pay for your mistakes.

때로는 네가 저지른 실수에 대해 대가를 치러야 해.

Cigarettes can seriously damage your health.

담배는 당신의 건강을 심히 손상시킬 수 있어요.

Above all, be careful of what you say to her.

무엇보다도 그녀에게 말할 때는 각별히 주의하세요.

Don't sing small.  너무 굽실거리지 마세요.

She'll talk your head off.  그 여잔 쉴 새 없이 떠들 거야.

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

오는 정이 있어야 가는 정이 있지.

목요일 공부에서...

2019. 04. 04