마음의 평화

Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain(1947)/Olivia Newton John(1976)

향기로운 재스민 2019. 7. 25. 13:26

Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain(1947)

Olivia Newton John(1976)

In the twilight glow I see you

Blue eyes cryin' in the rain

When we kissed goodbye and parted

I knew we'd never meet again

Love is like a dyin' ember

Only memories remain

Through the ages I'll remember

Blue eyes cryin' in the rain

Some day when we meet up yonder

We'll stroll hand in hand again

In a land that knows no partin'

Blue eyes cryin' in the rain

twilight glow   석양빛

ember   불씨

yonder  저쪽   up yonder 저 위에서

stroll  돌아다니다

confront  직면하다, 맞서다

  His house confronts mine.

be confronted with(by)  (어려움 등에)직면하다

chase  쫓다, 추적하다

The police chased after the murderer.

dismiss:  해고하다 (=fire)  해산하다

He was dismissed on the ground that he was found unpunctual.

목요일 공부에서....

2019. 07. 25