마음의 평화

I Might Be Crying/(1995)/Tanita Tikaram18

향기로운 재스민 2019. 8. 8. 14:11

I Might Be Crying(1995)/Tanita Tikaram

What I didn't know back then

Was that I might be crying

It is such a simple sentiment

To steal the show

And what I didn't know back then

Is that I might be losing you, I might be losing you

And still I wouldn't know

And now I suck up to the pale moonlight

Like it's gonna lead me home

And I shiver in my tired clothes

As if that could keep me warm

And now I stare across the dirty river

And I breathe this dirty air

And I'm sure upon the bridge I'll see you

'Cause I dreamt I'd kiss you there

What I didn't know back then

Is how great the sin

How time goes so slowly

When you're cheating on a friend

What I didn't know back then

Is that I might be needing you

Yeah I might be needing you

The need it doesn't end 

And now I stare across the dirty river

And I breathe this dirty air

And I'm sure upon the bridge I'll see you

'Cause I dreamt I'd kiss you there

What I didn't know back then

Is that I might be crying

It's such a simple sentiment

To steal the show

*cheat on (아내를 두고) 바람을 피우다

have an affair with  ~ 와 불륜관계를 맺다

suck up  빨아들이다   받아들이다

suck up to  아첨하다

deny  부정하다, 부인하다

denial  부정, 부인

experiment  실험, 실험하다 (on)

The method was deduced from earlier experiments.

 deduced  추론하다

coexist : 공존하다  existence  존재, 생존

Man cannot exist without air.     Man  사람

March the 13th

13th of March

a copy of the book   책 한권

2019. 08. 08.

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