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Green Green Grass Of Home Tom Jones

향기로운 재스민 2019. 9. 26. 13:53

Green Green Grass Of Home

(1966) Tom Jones

The old home town looks the same

As I step down from the train,

And there to meet me is my Mama and Papa.

Down the road I look and there runs Mary,

Hair of gold and lips like cherries.

It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.

Yes, they'll all come to meet me,

Arms reaching, smiling sweetly.

It's good to touch the green, green, grass of home.

Then I awake and look around me

At four grey walls that surround me,

And I realize: yes, I was only dreaming.

For there's a guard and there's a sad old padre

On in on we'll walk at daybreak.

Then again I'll touch the green, green grass of home.

Yes, they'll all come to see me

In the shade of that old oak tree

As they lay me neath the green, green grass of home.

guard  교도관, 경비원

padre  신부  목사 

daybreak  동틀무렵

urban  도시의

rural  시골의 

lava  용암(밖에 나온 것)  volcano 화산  Magma (안에 있는 것)

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2019. 09. 26