(2016) Michael Buble
I love seeing you happy. I miss seeing that smile
It's been such a long time. And although I don't have you
I know now that I need to. And somehow make you mine
And I won't lie. It's hard seeing you with him
'Cause I know he can't hold you like I can
*Someday maybe when we're old and gray
We could be in love once more
Til then I won''t give my love away
Darling, I'm forever only yours
I remember that love song. I sang every word wrong
But you didn't mind No. no. And I'll admit that I miss you
But oly if you do. 'Cause you know that I'm shy
And I can't lie. It's hard seeing you with her
'Cause I know she can't love you like I can
**And my love then what's for you then
We all got nothing to lose. 'Cause I'm forever only yours
No need to complicate it. The smile is worth the wait, heah
I'm forever only yours (hey, yeah)
Someday maybe. Someday maybe. Someday maybe I'll be yours
Someday maybe. Someday maybe
Someday maybe I'll be yours (someday maybe I'll be yours)
Repeat* Repeat**
I'm forever only yours (only yours)
(I'm singing now)
I'm forever only yours
2020년 코로나 때문에
7월 16일 처음으로 다시 시작한 영어 C반 모임이다
입구에서 들어온 사람 기록과 열을 잰 후에
4층으로 올라갔다
칸막이는 두사람 앉을 자리에 하나씩 되어있다
Someday 노래를 배우면서
언젠가는 더 사람들이 안정된 마음으로
공부할 수 있기를 바라며.....
안 좋은 일이 생기는 것은 운명이라는 생각으로
나는 다시 시작하는 공부에 기쁜 마음으로
하루를 시작헸다.
2020. 07. 16
'마음의 평화' 카테고리의 다른 글
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