마음의 평화

Imagine/John Lennon

향기로운 재스민 2020. 10. 29. 14:22




Imagine there's a no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people living for today


Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people living life in peace, you


You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope some day you'll join us

And the world will be as one


Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you


You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope some day you'll join us

And the world will be as one



greed   욕심

fruit grow field     과수원   a fruit garden

divide  나누다

ditch  땡땡이치다  결석하다

mature  성숙한

immature   미숙한



2020. 10. 29 










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