Sometimes love will bloom in the springtime
Then like flowers in summer it will grow
Then fade away in the winter
When the cold wind begins to blow
But when it's evergreen, evergreen
It will last through the summer and winter, too
When love is evergreen, evergreen
Like my love for you
So hold my hand and tell me
You'll be mine through laughter and through tears
We'll let the whole world see, our love will be
Evergreen through all the years
For when it's evergreen, evergreen
It will last through the summer and winter too
\When love is evergreen, evergreen
Like my love for you
typically 전형적 padded 솜을 덧댄
prejudice 선입견 편견
That makes sense 말이 돼
abuse 학대하다 악용하다
bumps 부딪치다
bangs 쾅
cut it off
knock it off 그만해
목요일 공부에서...5/26일
'마음의 평화' 카테고리의 다른 글
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