마음의 평화

Not going Anywhere 25, Nov. 2003/Keren Ann

향기로운 재스민 2022. 6. 9. 15:41


This is why I always wonder

I'm a pond full of regrets

I always try to not remember rather than forget


This is why I always whisper

When vagabonds are passing by

I tend to keep myself away from their goodbyes


Tide will rise and fall along the bay

And I'm not going anywhere

I'm not going anywhere

People come and go and walk away

But  I'm not going anywhere

I'm not going anywhere


This is why I always whisper

I'm a river with a spell

I like to hear but not to listen,

I like to say but not to tell


This is why I always wonder

There's nothing new under the sun

I won 't go anywhere so give my love to everyone


Tide will rise and fall along the bay

And I'm not going anywhere

I'm not  going  anywhere

People come and go and walk away

But I'm not going anywhere

I'm not going anywhere



spell   주문

vagabond  방랑자

charcoal  목탄   석탄

place an order  물건을 주문하다

oil paint   유화

The effort paid off.  보상을 받다

exhausted   지치다

It's out of stock at the moment.   지금  이 순간 재고가 없다

made every effort.   혼신을 다 했다

term  조건  용어 기간


목요일 공부에서....

2022. 06. 09