One of the top 100 American woman enterpriser in 2001 Award as the most excellent enterpriser of minority race from the US Department of Commerce in 2003 One of the top 11 Asian leaders in 2005 by the ABC TV, the USA San Francisco fixed July 10 as the date of Jinsoo Terry, in 2006
Who is Jinsoo Terry (Age: 49)? Jinsoo Terry met her husband, Sam Terry, 20 years ago while she was running a clothing business in Korea. Then, they moved to US. In the beginning, Jinsoo Terry wasn't as successful as she is right now.
As soon as she moved to US, she worked hard to succeed. However, she got fired from the place she worked for 7 years. Thinking that she got fired because of racial reasons, she spent many sleepless nights.
Finally, she decided to call the company to ask the reason for her lay-off. The manager said, "You didn't get fired because of racial discrimination. Though you were an outstanding engineer with good ability and academic background, you were always so tense to do everything perfect. You never smiled. Because this reason, none of your subordinates wanted to follow you, and we had no choice but to fire you." |