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[스크랩] The Touching Story of Paul Potts (1)

향기로운 재스민 2012. 9. 17. 08:04

첨부파일 The Touching Story of Paul Potts (1).wav

한 남자가 주눅 든 채 무대에 서 있다.

올해 36세인 영국 웨일즈 출신의
휴대폰 세일즈맨 폴 포츠(Paul Potts).
평균에 못 미친다고 생각되는 외모에
고르지 못한 치아, 자신감 없는 말투,
불룩하게 나온 배를 가진 전형적인 아저씨 스타일.
게다가 언제 다렸는지 모를 낡은 옷을 입고 있다.

A man is standing in a shrunken position.

Paul Potts was 36 years old and
a mobile phone salesman from Wales, U.K.
His outward appearance is less than average,
he has uneven teeth and a way of talking
that lacks self-confidence.
He looks like a typical middle-aged man
with a bulging stomach.
Furthermore, he wears worn clothes
that show no signs of being ironed.

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